1 year ago

Pfizer manipulates statistics and then deceives the public by writing unscrupulous headlines.

Scientific Evidence is rated by Levels.
Level 5 being labeled as "Expert" Opinion or speculation.

The Levels of Scientific Evidence. Pfizer was a Level 5.

Whenever you hear them say "Experts" on the News you can be assured there is NO real Science behind what those "Experts" are saying.

They are OPINIONS based off of something they heard or were told from someone else or something they read like an experiment or case study.

Remember this so you are not misled in the future like so many were from all the Covid experts who were saying to take the jabs.

You ALWAYS want Level 1 Evidence and continuing retrospective follow up studies - for years following approval of a drug. Especially with Childrens Vaccines. This has NEVER been done because they KNOW the answer would Stop ALL children vaccines immediately. They cause MUCH more harm.

When reading Clinical Data you want to see the Absolute Risk Reduction and not the Relative Risk Reduction which Pfizer used to deceive everyone.

Pfizer reported 95% Efficacy. It sounds like it protects you 95% of the time, right?

No, no, no.

95% means relative risk reduction. It is not the Overall Risk Reduction.

We need to look at the (ARR) - Absolute Risk Reduction.

The true Risk of the Unvaccinated Children getting Covid was .88%. That is EXTREMELY Low. Even if they did get it, they have well OVER 99% chance of recovery and they develop FULL NATURAL IMMUNITY.

Natural Immunity beats the little protection that vaccines give. In fact it should be an absolute No Brainer.

We were flat out tricked and Lied to.

Watch the video to see how they come up with 95% Efficacy -- .88% chance of vaccinated getting covid and .04 chance of vaccinated getting covid within the 7 day period.

They compute the difference between these two numbers. I don't even trust this to be the truth considering my background of investing in pharma and learning the tricks of the trade. I should say Murdering Tricks because it truly is this bad. I mean it's horrific bad. Sickening bad.

This is why I am so passionate about this subject because I know and you deserve to know also.

Pfizer only had a placebo control group for less than 3 months which is ludicrous, just fraud. They unblinded the trial after about a month and inoculate the placebo group.

WHY? What were they hiding, besides there were NO Animal Studies. NONE. It should take at least 10 years to design Level 1 Safety and Efficacy studies.

Much more good information in this video. It may give you a stomachache because the info in this video is just as unethical as it gets.

When the outcome goal Objective of a study has to do with Covid Symptoms as a measurement, you know you have a Non-Objective, but very Subjective and Non-Scientific study.

The trials were DESIGNED to succeed based on Irrelevant Outcomes.

We need to learn how to take care of ourselves and not be dependent on Doctors who follow Medication Guidelines from these Satanic Globalist Criminals.

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