End Game PvP Tier List - January 2023 - DC Legends

2 years ago

The End Game PvP Tier List for January is here! The the toon of the month is Dawnstar! (This is likely to change if her bug is fixed, but until then we are going off of how she is NOW).
Lot of changes this month. Enjoy!
Watch with video:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/H0-MnV1x-ks
Rumble: https://rumble.com/dclegends
Audio Only: https://linktr.ee/WROLBroadcast
End Game Tier List:

Community Voted Tier List (thanks to Historic compiling):

Vote on the community tier list by going to the Dojo Discord! https://discord.gg/M4Dojo
Keep in mind these are the opinions of several Owls who regularly place in the top spots of Siege and PvP in all modes regularly. We base characters on their performance against top tier teams at max level. In some cases, depending on your gear levels, play style, and rank; certain characters may perform much better for you. Most of our scores are weighted heavily towards Siege play in the very top rankings.
How the categories break out:
S-Tier: More exclusive then before, the best of the best. Fit into almost any comp and is pretty much a roster requirement to compete in the highest levels of the game.
A-Tier: Very solid characters. Characters that are either versatile or extremely good at their job and you will never regret gearing them. In this list are your counter characters and just all around great toons.
B-Tier: These are "good" characters but sometimes need a team built around them or they compliment a specific team. There is often a superior option to them, but they are still pretty good depending on the situation.
C-Tier: These characters are more situational. They also can be pretty "meh" characters most of the time, but can excel in a specific comp. Most probably need a rework to shine.
T-Tier: This is your trash tier characters that desperately need a rework. F-tier!
Toon of the Month: If you notice the glow around a character, he/she is the Siege toon of the month! This is a character that was extra special for the month and deserved some special recognition.
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/m4dojo
New Player Guide: https://youtu.be/70ed36-sVPk
Hatemael's Legendary Order Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uDmcPgUQUfbyjhKb1bBGFEqmVsN_thqf-5VyHPpvJI8/edit?usp=sharing
The Court of Owls Master Tier List Spreadsheet version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-13VDLLLG4SlzpbbV24LrQrXkxf6x9hnAzqZbmHYBQc/edit?usp=sharing
Abcuts' amazing website: https://dcltoolkit.com/
Contact us: WROLBroadcast@gmail.com
Twitter- WROLBroadcast
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