Dangerous Liberty Podcast Ep 14 - Building A Community & Being A Leader

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Dangerous Liberty Podcast Ep 14 - Building A Community & Being A Leader

Tonight we'll be discussing our goal of building a community and how we want YOU to be an integral part of that. We want to be leaders in this community and we need you to be and see yourself as leader. We'll discuss our role and your role in all of this and how you can not only lead but help others to become more self-reliant, better role models, better parents and attract others to the principles that you know to be true and hold dear.

YOU are the type of person this country and your community needs. We need to replicate YOU. This starts at home and your immediate circle of influence and then expands from there.

Paramount is not and never was a business. My intention was always for it to be a community full of like-minded people that promote and defend our beliefs, take care of one another, aspire to be better in every way, and to create something that is more attractive than the alternatives that I believe are destroying our society and our nation.

The fact is you have a lot to offer. Your knowledge, character, friendship, leadership, guidance... there are people that are desperately in need of someone exactly like YOU. Every single one of us can make a difference in someone's life. You could be the reason a person gets his or her life on track or keeps them on track. The knowledge and skills you share could save lives in emergency or self defense situations. You could be the person that prevents someone from committing suicide. You can completely change the trajectory of people's lives for the better but you have to remove self doubt, step up, and make yourself available.

People are dying for leadership, a mentor, a role model, and a friend they admire and trust. There are people out there that ONLY you can reach but in order to do that, you have to step up to the front. You can't lead from inside a crowd or from the back. You got to step up and put yourself out front.

I am talking to myself as much as anyone.

See you tonight at 7pm EST!

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