Political Corruption - Black Reparations - Mr Rogers Visionary

1 year ago

Probing Biden family corruption is GOP’s duty to democracy

As a tactical concern, the House GOP’s decision to open an investigation into Biden family corruption is questionable. It promises limited political return. It would serve Republicans, and the country, far better if the House focused on a hyper-politicized Justice Department that targets the political opposition, labels concerned parents “domestic terrorists” and ignores violence aimed at pregnancy centers, for starters.

None of that, however, means there isn’t sufficient circumstantial evidence suggesting President Joe Biden not only lied about knowing his son was favor-trading on the family name with corrupt autocracies but that he was a beneficiary of those business dealings. Indeed, precedent says we Republicans have a duty to “democracy” to investigate.


1000% Increase in Foreign Donations to Trudeau Foundation brings Inquiry & is deemed 'Conspicuous'

According to an article from the National Post, foreign donations to the Pierre Trudeau Foundation began to skyrocket after Justin Trudeau was elected prime minister in 2015.

Between 2014 and 2016, donations from non-Canadian sources increased from $53 million to $535 million– an increase of one thousand percent.

The Conservatives requested that the Lobbying Commissioner investigate if Liberal fundraisers had used donations to the Trudeau Foundation to gain government influence. The Canadian Lobbying Act says financial donors are prohibited from lobbying a federal government.


Money began to rain on Trudeau Foundation once Justin took over Liberals, analysis shows


San Francisco Official Says $5 Million Reparations Payment and Total Debt Forgiveness For Longtime Black Residents is Not Enough

California was never a slave state, but the San Francisco “Reparations Committee” is proposing to pay each longtime black resident $5 million and grant them total debt forgiveness for suffering decades of “systemic repression.”

“While neither San Francisco, nor California, formally adopted the institution of chattel slavery, the tenets of segregation, white supremacy and systematic repression and exclusion of Black people were codified through legal and extralegal actions, social codes, and judicial enforcement,” the proposed draft says.


Mister Rogers Tried To Warn Us About The Dangers Of Transgenderism

“Boys are boys from the beginning. Girls are girls right from the start.” No, those aren’t the words from a tweet banned for “hate speech” — though they could be. They’re prophetic lines from none other than Mister Rogers, who put the immutable truths to a tune decades before the trans craze.

Resurfaced in a recent TikTok, the clip shows Fred Rogers, host of the classic children’s show “Mister Rogers Neighborhood,” singing his ditty “Everybody’s Fancy,” which goes:


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