Human Trafficked by UFOs or Did the Rapture Occur? | 20293 | 2n1 Ministries

1 year ago

Millions will disappear but whereto? Possibly abducted by aliens? Maybe the rapture happened? The people who are left on planet earth, what will become of them? Why weren't they taken way? How can you avoid this strange futuristic event?
Come along and join us today @ 2n1 Ministries as we discuss these prophetic last days.
Be sure to subscribe, share on your social media and with your family to warn them of these turbulent times that all mankind will be facing.
Todd & Heather - teachers
p.s. - If you led to support this ministry then you can send us a few shekels to our Venmo acct: @AbsolutelyBeachyENT then verify the acct by entering in 5524. Thanks :)
“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matthew 24:21 - KJV
Here's the link to "A thief in the night, Part 3: Image of the beast" free movie.

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