Education or Indoctrination? Pursuit of Truth VI

1 year ago

Objective ethics is rooted in creation metaphysics, hylomorphic anthropology, and a realistic epistemology. The object, not the subject, determines the rightness or wrongness of something. Objective ethics is one of accountability and accuracy. A subjective ethics is one where a person is not responsible for their acts. An objective accounting of ethics might have extenuating circumstances for acting but it does not fully dismiss the person from the responsibility of knowing what is true or good. The object, the other person, by the subject, me, sets what I should do. Should I lie? It might be advantageous for me to do so, but other people are owed the truth. It is good for the other person, and ultimately for me as well, to tell the truth. Abortion kills an innocent human person. The object of the act is the unborn person, and thus sheds light on the morality of the choice. for show notes

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