Chaste Tris January 31 update Demo

1 year ago

January 31 2023:

I have added multiple save states which can be selected with the 0 to 9 keys. The state which is currently selected can be saved with I and loaded with P. However, this does not remove the previous state accessed with . and , mentioned above. I left it in the code so there are actually eleven save states. I did this to make the more difficult perfect clear or T Spin Triple loops easier to go back and fix mistakes. Remember, one of my goals for Chaste Tris is to make perfect playing possible. If you don't mind mistakes, you don't have to use them. Additionally with this update, I have added some music support. However, the current music may be changed if legal copyright issues arise. I'm still very new to the game development world so there will be mistakes I make!

Chaste Tris License

At this time, because I am new to the world of game development and publishing, I do not know of an existing license that accurately matches the vision I have for this game. As such, the following is my own words of what I want users to be able to do with this game.

I wish to license users of this game to play and learn the mechanics of how it works and to be able to modify it provided they have the technical knowledge to be able to do it. This will include the ability to access the source code which will be provided on my github repository.

I want to encourage development of similar games by other programmers because it is a great way to learn the fundamentals of computer programming and all that goes into it. I want to have open communication from those who enjoy playing it and/or have improvements that they can make or that I can possibly implement.

This license may be modified as necessary to adapt to unforeseen technical and legal situations as they arise but will always retain the basic goal of keeping old block style puzzle games alive.

Also, should anyone from the Tetris Company find my game or ever reply to the email I sent them about it, I will be willing to work out a deal with them and stay within their legal guidelines with the exception that I will not remove my game from the internet under any circumstances. I doubt it will be popular enough to compete with official Tetris products but the code is entirely my own and as such they have no right to tell me what I can do with it. I'm not against obtaining a license and/or sharing royalties with them however should it become a best seller and they can work out terms with me.

There is much more I can say. Do not hesitate to email me with more questions:

Chaste Tris Music License

The only thing in Chaste Tris that is not my creation is the music which was obtained freely from OverClocked ReMix.

According to my understanding of the terms in the FAQ I am allowed to use the songs as long as I give credit to OC Remix and the artists. As such, I intend to mention them in every video I create showing the gameplay with the newly added music. In fact, if I have not included credit anywhere it is most likely a technical limitation such as Tiktok or Instagram not allowing me to add long descriptions. But where possible I will give credit to the artists and OC ReMix.

Both songs are remixes of the songs originally included in Gameboy Tetris. They are as follows.

OverClocked ReMix

ReMix:Tetris "Gift from Moscow" 4:20 By MkVaff

ReMix:Tetris "T-Spin" 2:53 By Schtiffles

These two songs were chosen precisely because they fit in with the dream I had for the game considering that it is a Tetris game, and the Gameboy version was probably the most popular version of all time and the only one many people were even exposed to in the 80s.

I have also considered including a remix of Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy if I can find one that sounds good that I can use with permission. If you know of one, please let me know.

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