1 year ago

the seed is your children...the SOCIETY that surrounds your child raises your children opinions .divide mankind...a young jewish boy grows up with his parents and the society that surrounds him..... blooming palstines he hears growing up stinking vermin..etc etc etc all his life....he grows up 22....a young palistiinian boy grows up with his parents and the society that surrounds him...stinking jews ..blooming parasites...etc etc he hears all his life ..he grows up 22......a young afganistan boy grows up with his parents and the society that surrounds him...stinking americans ...thieving parasites ..etc etc ...he hears all his life ...grows up 22...a young american boy grows up with his parents and the society that surrounds him ..stinking afganistans...blooming vermin he hears all his life he grows up 22...a young chinese boy etc...a young english boy...a young??? a society raises your children.....the seed becomes his friends his schools his workplace..the media....parable of the vineyard is not understood...your children are the seed is up to you the worker in the field to nuture the seed feed it and keep it in the light...society raises your children.. where they learn to lie..envy..lust...cheat ..steal..HATE AND MURDER ..but it is you the worker in the field that supplies the food (THE WORD OF GOD) ... creation is not understood...UNDERSTANDING far GOD....(who is Jesus in the FLESH) is not UNDERSTOOD........without Creation YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND will only come to conclusions...his name...his birthday...his nationality...colour of his skin.....IN THE BEGINNING.......Jesus was there at the beginning.....BIRTHDAY is Gen1:3
...LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE...he was there at the beginning .... he is the breath of GOD the Light of the world..THE WATER of LIFE .........nothing exists unless he allows it...NATIONALITY...pick one..he is Creation which all nations are part was called Godwanaland before the flood..gugallana the bull of heaven ..... j in hebrew..Jesus is the water of life ....all life....Gen 1:10..1:11...1:12... 1:20..1:21...1:22... Gen 1:24...1:25.....BUT ONLY MANKIND IS HIS TEMPLE ...GENISIS 1:26......mankind is his lives in your heart stephen in you he is alaskan.. i you preach his dan bidondi who is of italian heritage ... he is ITALIAN in jon pounders american amir tsarfati chief joseph .....native american ...kong hee ...from hong kong he is asian ..his nationality is Creation itself......GODwanaland the land was one land before the flood ...HE WAS AN EARTHLING.....until NATIONALITIES CAME AND DIVIDED MANKIND ....and adam and eve were caste out of heaven ...and GOD GAVE THEM SKINS OF ANMALS TO WEAR ...GODS WORLD IS SPIRITUAL....SKINS OF ANIMALS WAS FLESHLY BODIES...HUMAN ANIMALS SKINS.....without Creation stephen you cannot understand can only reach to conclusions which divide you....GOD is a personal GOD ...EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL ..UNIQUE..A WORLD ALL OF THEIR OWN ...example....your own household...your childrens world and your spouses world ..although SHARED with yours are completely different worlds...parable of the vineyard is not understood...your children are the seed is up to you the worker in the field to nuture the seed feed it and keep it in the light...society raises your children....but it is you the worker in the field that supplies the food (THE WORD OF GOD) ... creation is not understood... ....

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