i'd rather be rejected if that's what you accept *polemical musical

2 years ago

always consumed...things imma do or not do
is her conscience working? yes way better than yours or the world's
they say the same thing over n over again as if it will change anything
most people are so stuck in their ways
i've already let go, i don't lie to myself to get by
polemical musical
petty little problems
minor to major insecurity
what does that have to do w/ me
take most insults w. a grain of salt
most people ain't salty at all (just GMOS)
what they think is worthy of attention is all their pride
unlawful acts of sodomy or not...pride is still a thing
not the one deserving of a lecture
i sounded like amy winehouse for a min there
if you looked at me from a distance, i would look like everyone else
man i am hitting these keys so hard
...all fuckin day, too man
sari, i had to turn on my defrost and it's really loud

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