Strange object in the Sky 🛸 or Sun mutation 🛸 Possible UFO 🛸 Glitch in the Matrix!

2 years ago

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Strange object in the Sky 🛸 or Sun mutation 🛸 Possible UFO 🛸 Glitch in the Matrix!

footage from
Michael Panthera
I have a new video here again. Don't start seeing first then believing. Why am I saying that?. Well because you aren't looking?
what do I mean by watching??
Well that's very simple, just look with your eyes... Seeing is done with zien 3rd Eye. All seeing Eye horus. Boom yeah but that’s the evil eye. Hahah damn learn again 😴
it's not easy to open your eye. And being able to see from the mind what you see!
What does seeing mean to you then???
People make themselves busy that there is not enough to see and say seeing is believing hahah😏 well that's what you were taught at school. Don't you still see it???
Let me put it another way, how do you take the power of a person?!? '
Well Very simple give them a study funding. Or better yet buy a house that’s not even yours. But with pride, then you know the table like getting married. Come on man... Wake up!!
Don't you get it? Look is up, again and again.
Then you get this story! Well, just that. People are going really wrong with that.
They don't know and neither do I. But to make a long story short. Yes the real moon has changed color a lot. And yes the moon has been attacked. A very, very long time ago. The white moon and the so beautiful sun. It's all gone. The real earth doesn't even pave... Why that is another time it is made aware and explained to you.
So this is the real moon.

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#merkaba #UFO #ufosighting #ufology #ufologia #OVNItwitter #ovni #uaptwitter #uaps



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Star Mother Ship, Spaceship , UFO , MUFON, ET, Extraterrestrial, disclosure, Ashtar, Pleiadian, Galactics, new Jerusalem, Sananda, Sighting, vessel, ship , flying saucer, higher dimensional beings, arcturians, fleet , mass sighting , cloaked, Mothership, Lyran, Prime Disclosure, ufo sighting, first contact, kansas, wichita, nibiru, starseed, USA , uri geller, pentagon, Unidentified Flying Object , unidentified aerial phenomenon, uap, cloud ship, cloaking, bulgaria, ashtar command, Brazil, merkaba

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