My parents threw me away at birth — Actress Toyin Abraham.

1 year ago

My parents threw me away at birth — Actress Toyin Abraham.

Nollywood actress and producer, Toyin Abraham in a new interview has unraveled her spirituality and how she hears voices from the unction of the Holy Spirit.

In a chat with ThisDay, Toyin Abraham disclosed that her parents initially threw her away at birth because she was stillborn, and it took the intervention of a Clergyman to resurrect her.

She said: “I’m extremely spiritual. One of the problems I had back then was that I didn’t listen to myself. I would hear the voice of the Lord, and I would see it in my dreams, but I would still want to follow my flesh. But ever since I started following the lead of the Holy Spirit, things have drastically changed for me and I’m extremely happy about it.

I’m actually dada – those people that naturally have dreadlocks from birth. Since birth, I have been spiritual. My parents told me that I was stillborn so they had to threw me away.

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