"If they want me to, I'm going to trespass you from A PUBLIC SIDEWALK!"

1 year ago

Auditing America does a great job informing Police about the Constitutionally protected rights of every American Citizen! Check out his YouTube channel and show your support for what he does! We ALL should be out there with him EDUCATING PUBLIC OFFICIALS!

There are THREE very serious problems in Policing!

1.) #Police are NOT required to pass a thorough yearly TEST on the #Constitution! THIS SHOULD BE REQUIRED BY LAW!

2.) Police are NOT required to carry a general liability insurance policy, which should be REQUIRED BY LAW and any officer failing to have such a policy should be ineligible to work as a LEO! And they should also be REQUIRED to wear an active body camera at all times during their shift!

This would solve 2 problems! One, it would stop TAXPAYERS from having to pay for mistakes of Police! Two.... It would hold each Officer ACCOUNTABLE!

Because each officer would be required to pay for his own policy, which would go up in price or be cancelled after several successful lawsuits! Right now there is absolutely NO INCENTIVE for police to follow the law or not be abusive!

They will "Investigate themselves and find "No wrongdoing" and TAXPAYERS will be the only ones punished for their actions! Police NEED AN INCENTIVE to obey the law and the rules!

Requiring Liability insurance gives them one! They cannot simply move one county over if their insurance is cancelled THEY ARE DONE!

Losing their PENSIONS is another good INCENTIVE!
Right now, even when found guilty of a #Crime, cops keep their pensions!

Even the guty who tasered Johnny Wheatcroft 11 times, once in the b*lls, got to keep his benefits! They pulled it off real slick... Like he was "Injured"

NO... Johnny Wheatcroft was INJURED!
His family was INJURED!

But the cop who committed 3 AGGRAVATED FELONY ASSAULTS against him....
He got off with no probation, plead it down to a misdemeanor
"Disorderly conduct" (From 3 felony aggravated assaults!) paid a $150 fine

That's it! YOU or I would have gotten a LIFE SENTENCE for what he done!
And he gets to retire with benefits! The TAXPAYERS of the STATE and CITY still have to pay out the lawsuits though!

THIS is why every police officer should be REQUIRED BY LAW TO CARRY LIABILITY INSURANCE!

I have to carry liability insurance for a CAR! He has a GUN!
I also am REQUIRED to carry liability insurance for my job installing windows!
In case I damage a home or hurt someone.....

But a guy who deals with the public and is HEAVILY ARMED don't have to carry insurance????

And it's complete and TOTAL lack of accountability!

This "Captain" don't know the law either!
If he arrested this guy because of that lack of knowledge of the law.....

So what incentive does he have for LEARNING THE LAW???

3.) Police and other Government are NEVER CRIMINALLY PROSECUTED!
And when they are, they receive a laughable sentence in comparison to ANYONE ELSE! It's literally a JOKE!

PROSECUTORS should prosecute corrupt police and government but they DON'T! And they should be FIRED for it! They should also be fired for prosecuting innocent people!

Prosecutors are "evaluated" based on their "Number of Convictions" or their PERCENTAGE of convictions!

I submit to you that ANY PROSECUTOR with a 98% conviction rate

And for successfully prosecuting corrupt COPS? How about that?

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