I Hate North Dakota

2 years ago

WOLF POINT, MONTANA (March 29, 2009): My brother and I were traveling by Amtrak from our respective homes in suburban Toronto to visit our grandmother and other family in and around Vancouver, B.C. From there, we would travel down the coast to San Francisco and Los Angeles before returning home.

I enjoy train travel, but this was a new experience for my brother.
It was Day Two of the journey. We had woken up to a blizzard in North Dakota. He talks about how he likes (or dislikes) the train and the part of the country we're passing through.

We were chatting in the Sightseer Lounge of Amtrak's "Empire Builder," which runs between Chicago and Seattle (with a branch down to Portland if you like to live dangerously).

Our "sleeping accommodations," as referred to in the video were the two coach seats we occupied in lower level coach. Hint: If you must travel in coach, and you're on a Superlilner, book yourself in coach. You don't have to be elderly or disabled. Anybody can buy a ticket to sit there. But you MUST request lower level coach when you buy your ticket. It's more private, it has less than half the number of seats of regular coach upstairs, and often it's quieter. There tends to be a better quality of people riding downstairs.

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