Andy Stanley’s path to affirming was here all along, here is the proof

2 years ago

On this special edition of the Deep End we dive deep into the Evangelical Andy Stanley dilemma and expose and refute his most shocking claims about Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity.

Andy Stanley’s Path to Affirming Was Here All Along, we uncover the Proof.

We also examine what exactly is going on at North Point Church with the LGBTQIA+ movement and more importantly how it will affect the American Church.

And, has your church caved on the issue of homosexuality? We will discuss it.

Pastors have to live in the glass houses their words create.

This channel is dedicated to helping Christians remember they AREN’T FREAKING CRAZY!

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Start [0:00]
▶ Proof Andy Stanley’s path to affirming LGBTQIA+ was here all along [1:05]
▶ Is the Evangelical Church going to split over LGBTQIA+ movement? [3:15]
▶ Pastor refutes Andy Stanley: gay people have more faith than Pastors and Church Leaders [4:40]
▶ Pastor refutes Andy Stanley: lead churches to acknowledge gay and straight sin problem [5:55]
▶ Pastor refutes Andy Stanley: change your theology if you can’t minister to some people [8:50]
▶ Pastor refutes Andy Stanley: Jesus is a simple person [11:08]
▶ Pastor refutes Andy Stanley: never take someone’s church away unnecessarily [13:30]
▶ Pastor refutes Andy Stanley: when our congregation shifts their thinking on homosexuality we need to shift our thinking [17:05]
▶ Pastor reveals Andy Stanley’s path to affirming LGBTQIA+ [21:44]
▶ The role of men and women and female pastors according to the Bible [22:00]
▶ Who is ordained Pastor Debbie Causey of North Point Church? [27:10]
▶ Pastor reacts Andy Stanley advises homosexual male couple to divorce wives before serving at North Point Church [30:28]
▶ Pastor reacts to Tiktok Pastor Brandon Robertson praise of Andy Stanley [36:05]
▶ Pastor refutes Andy Stanley: the birth of Christ doesn't matter [39:03]
▶ Pastor refutes Andy Stanley: we have to stop saying “The Bible Says” [40:39]
▶ Pastor refutes Andy Stanley: the Bible doesn't have to be true just mostly reliable [42:04]
▶ Proof the Scriptures are essential to produce faith [48:12]
▶ Pastor debunks claims of Andy Stanley Irresistible book promo [49:30]
▶ Revealed Billy Graham’s secret to preaching [52:38]
▶ Proof the Resurrection did not propel evangelism [54:46]
▶ What will happen if Andy Stanley North Point Church becomes affirming? [58:37]
▶ Should your church cave on homosexuality? [59:22]
▶ Archbishop of York gay sex is ok [1:01:38]
▶ Old man pretends to be an ice princess Finland debuts world's first national trans ice skater [1:02:17]
▶ Why do pastors fail? [1:03:40]


Two Pastors Drop Major Bombshell Allegations Against Andy Stanley After Attending Private Q&A

Andy Stanley When Gracie Met Truthy

Andy Stanley Says He Doesn’t Care About the Birth of Christ

Andy Stanley: Church Unity Is More Important Than Being Theologically Correct

Andy Stanley Says It Doesn’t Matter if the Bible is True, so long as it’s ‘Mostly Reliable’

Archbishop of York says gay sex is OK if in committed, stable, faithful relationships

Finland debuted the world’s first national trans ice skater and it went exactly like you’d expect

Tim Hatch Live: 3 Podcasts; 1 Location:

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