Trans Figure Skater Falls Down

1 year ago

Some in the depths of Europe, probably Finland (it's always in Finland). There was a trans girl who grew up on farm and always dreamed of being a big figure skating star. Then one thing led to another and one day she was 60 years old and never learned how to skate. Luckily for and her arthritis riddled knees the Finnish women's figure skating governing body are sadistic pagans who freed on chaos and destruction let her into the competition to watch her fall and open up her skull on the ice, most likely. And that's how we get this video of this bubbling fool twirling around like a three legged dog trying to catch it's own tail.

#transfigureskaterfalls #60yearoldtransfigureskater #embarassingwipeout #epicfail #igetknockeddown #embarrasingfall,#transskaterwipeout #transskaterfinland

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