启示录 15 七位天使带着七灾

2 years ago

These are the final plagues of the wrath of God and with them the end of the Great Tribulation. God is showing that He is in control and not the Beast. It is Gods last chance to human beings to repent, to say NO to the beast and satan and to give God all honor and glory.
The fire in the sea of glass may represent divine judgment that is about to fall on the wicked. The crowd seen standing before the sea of glass may be martyrs. These crowd members are victors. They refused to worship the beast or his image. So these standing on the sea of glass mingled with fire, they keep living according to will of God. They are “doers of the word” and not hearers only. Despite the torture of the beast, they refuse to bow down and in that way they conquered the beast and satan because they did not give in.
Verse 6 The seven angels come out of the temple. A pure righteousness without any injustice. Golden is pure, without any impurity. They will pour out Gods righteous judgment upon earth.

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