Quantum Practitioners Swap Notes on Starseeds, Multiverse & Interstellar Humanity w/Jodi & Will #106

2 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, due to popular demand, we bring back Mrs. Jodi Reynosa and Mr. Will Nutter aka Johan Fritz. Unlike most of the podcast episodes I do with metaphysic authors, doctors, & engineers, I put loads of scientific evidence in the show description, but for this episode, we’re gonna discuss what we’re getting from our client’s in our Quantum Hypnosis practices. Be open minded, but mostly practice discernment. Mrs. Jodi Reynosa and Mr. Will Nutter, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

For more information about Will and Jodi’s offerings, please visit their website: https://linktr.ee/ServicesWithJAW

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Listen to the AUDIO podcast here. The RSS goes out to 170 directories worldwide: https://anchor.fm/merkabachakras

Dolores Cannon QHHT: http://dolorescannon.com/
To learn more about Von Galt metaphysical work: https://merkabachakras.com/

#SecretSpaceProgram, #JohanFritz, #WillNutter, #JodiReynosa, #dolorescannon, #qhht

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