Abortion pill kills 19-year-old Canadian

1 year ago

A 19-year-old Canadian girl died after taking the #abortion pill. This tragic incident of her death, along with the death of her preborn child, highlights the dangers associated with the use of this drug. Join us in calling on Health Canada to ban the abortion pill Mifegymiso.

Sign our petition: clife.ca/banabortionpill

Read our full report: https://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/clc-blog/id/247/title/abortion-pill-kills-19-year-old-canadian


Campaign Life Coalition is a national, pro-life organization working at all levels of government to secure full legal protection for all human beings from the time of conception (fertilization) to natural death. It is non-partisan and encourages voting based on principles, not party. For more information visit www.campaignlifecoalition.com

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