China's Great Reboot Geopolitics| Patrick Lancaster | Duran | Daniel Dumbrill| Travel

1 year ago

#theduran #chinanews #chinavlog
The effects of the COVID-19 global pandemic have been felt in many industries, including travel. However, China has been a special case as the country was the first to be hit by the virus and the first to take measures to contain it. Now, after months of restrictions, the travel industry in China is slowly beginning to come back to life.

With the lifting of restrictions on domestic travel, the Chinese government is taking steps to reboot its travel economy. Airlines, hotels, and other tourism businesses are being encouraged to offer discounts and promotions to attract more customers. Tourist attractions are also being reopened and special measures are being taken to ensure the safety of visitors.

All this is a sign that the Chinese travel industry is ready to bounce back after the pandemic. With its vast population and infrastructure, China could potentially become a major player in the global travel market in the years to come. It will be interesting to see how the country's travel sector develops over the coming months and years.

The meeting held between Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia and Xi Jin Ping, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and President of People’s Republic of China, on the occasion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in Uzbekistan portrayed a different perspective of the Chinese government viewing the Russian occupation in Ukraine. Xi and Putin had their last one-to-one meeting in February where both the leaders committed to a “no limits” partnership, guaranteeing each other unrestrained political and diplomatic support. However, at this point of time, there are some limitations visible in their ‘no limits’ partnership, and China being the dominant partner among the two is setting the limits. Join us for this amazing chat covering these geopolitical issues.

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Alex Christoforou


Patrick Lancaster

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Daniel Dumbrill


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