She's gonna need a bigger yard. Michigan teacher's snow sharks win the internet.

1 year ago

Frosty the Snowman better hold on to his hat, because Jennifer Ramirez in Madison Heights has made jaw(s)-dropping snow sculptures right outside her house — and they're garnering a lot of attention on social media. "Oh my god, they're going nuts, they're going nuts," laughed Jennifer. The snow sharks took Jennifer about three days to complete. "Wednesday we had the big snowfall and I shoveled all of it into a big ol pile, and then I think it was the next day, I separated the piles and started sculpting on Friday and finished them on Saturday," she said. If you think she's going to need a bigger yard, don't worry, she's heard that before. "I get mostly that on Facebook, 'you're going to need a bigger yard. You're going to need a bigger boat, you're going to need a bigger lawn,'" said Jennifer.

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