🔴 Livestream- Meditation Music - ELOHIM - Study, Sleep Music, Peaceful Music.

2 years ago

#angel #meditation #relaxationfilms #soothingmusic #relaxationmusic

Welcome to our relaxing meditation with the presence of angels in our lives. In this video, you are seen by an Elohim or angel, where you will connect with their loving energy and guidance. Through peaceful music, you will open yourself up to the healing and protection that angels offer. This video is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual connection and receive guidance from the angelic realm. Sit back, relax, and allow yourself to go on a peaceful journey of connecting with the angels.

About the artist:

“Millions of people have seen my work, they just don’t know it.”

Juliana Loomer has worked as a digital artist in the entertainment industry in California making artwork for films such as Revenge of the Sith, StarWars 30th Anniversary re-releases, Indiana Jones 4 as well as Die Hard 4 and more.


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