Grizzly and Ginette Lucas Psychic Medium Covers Al Capone Treasure The Mobster

2 years ago

Ginette Lucas was lecturing on dowsing with her father, decorated United States Army veteran Louis Matacia, in Chicago circa 1990. Dowsing is an ancient art of divination used to locate water, lost objects, and even people using a pair of rods or a pendulum. It is said to have been practiced by the biblical Moses. Even Albert Einstein had an open mind about it, writing a letter in its favor. When the talented father and daughter finished speaking, a pair of fortune hunters approached Ms. Lucas.

The husband and wife team told her they admired her work finding missing persons and objects, including buried treasure.

"They met me in the conference room with lots of survey maps for thousands of acres of farmland," she told me recently. "They related a story about Al Capone's right-hand man, Frank Nitti, who had hidden loot he stole from Capone, and that he had buried his spoils on land depicted on one or more of these maps, also called plats."

Just a few years earlier Geraldo Rivera opened an Al Capone vault live on television and all they found were dust bunnies. Thirty million people tuned in to that fiasco.

When Ms. Lucas saw all of the plats, she felt like she was sinking because she was completely overwhelmed by the size of the property. "I decided to put each map separately on the table, and I put my hand above the maps within five inches. I knew I had the ability to feel a funny feeling in my teeth when I found treasure, and I also saw a bright red cherry color, or bright fluorescent Kelly green or emerald color. I saw letters or numbers in the colors, too. I call this unique method 'the equation'. It's like the protocols a doctor would use. It's my personal code and it comes from my synesthesia."

She hurriedly put her hand over the maps. "I then felt a burning feeling on my hand, and saw emerald green with letters when I got to a certain plat. I knew right away these treasure hunters had found the right plat that had hidden treasure. So I selected a map with the multiple acres, and said this is your treasure map."

After about 10 jubilant minutes with those gathered, she repeated the method to home in further. "I pinpointed an area where I had the treasure hunters create a 10-foot by 10-foot area where they could use ground-penetrating radar."

The treasure hunters went to the site about four hours south of Chicago and had a team get to work.

After finding a pickup truck hood from 1932 two feet underground, they felt frustrated, and told me by phone nothing was there. Again, my heart sank. But I got off the phone and suddenly saw fluorescent letters and numbers and it was flashing in my eyes telling me they should continue. I got back on the phone, dialed the hunters, and screamed, 'Get back in there and dig up the truck hood!' The guys used the GPR again, and the equipment screamed louder than before. The hunters dug and suddenly hit something hard. Finally, standing in the hole one hunter picked up what he thought was a brick... yes it was a brick; a brick of solid silver. After digging for hours they found over sixty bars of silver stolen by the Al Capone Gang and hidden by Frank Nitti, and found by little ol' me, Ginette, a female treasure hunter."

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