6 Powerful SOLFEGGIO Frequencies • 396 • 417 • 528 • 639 • 741 • 852 • Pure As Space

1 year ago

Music is vibration, and music that vibrates at the right frequency has a positive effect on your mind and body. Music has the ability to make us feel calm, to alleviate stress and anxiety. It can also lower blood pressure and reduce pain perception. And that's what Solfeggio frequency is – healing music, for mind and body.

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6 Solfeggio Frequencies
• 396 Hz – the first is thought to help liberate us from feelings of guilt and fear, which is arguably one of the biggest obstacles we face in life.
• 417 Hz – the second helps with the undoing of situations and facilitating change in our lives. It is said to alleviate the conscious and subconscious mind from traumatic past experiences.
• 528 Hz – the third is perhaps the most famous of the frequencies, because of its reputation for creating profound transformation and miracles. It has even been linked to the repair of human DNA, the most basic building blocks of our bodies and minds.
• 639 Hz – the fourth is said to improve our connection and relationships with the people around us. This includes healing strained relationships and creating new ones.
• 741 Hz – the fifth is connected to expression and solutions, helping us open up and share our gifts with the world more fully.
• 852 Hz – the sixth and final of the original notes, returns us to spiritual order, improving our access to the spiritual or sublime.
* Hz = hertz
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Sunset video credit: Engin Akyurt on Pexels https://www.pexels.com/video/silhouette-of-mountains-at-sunset-1722697/

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Pure As Space
• listening to our inner world to find our higher truth •

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