The End Times by Barry, Elaine and Tracy Nicholls

2 years ago

This song was one of the last songs written by my talented Father Barry Nicholls, with the bridge written by my sister and myself. I also think it is one of his best and such a song for today.

Sadly, this is the only song we got to write with Dad as his health seriously declined after recording it and he got his promotion to heaven in 2019. I would love to know what else we could have created collectively together.
This is also my first and probably last attempt at producing a song.
I hope you enjoy it and remember, it is never too late to turn to Jesus if you do not know Him. Jesus loves you so much He died in your place so that you can have eternal life. All you have to do is accept you get some things wrong (sin) and accept Jesus into your heart. With the Son of God, Father and Holy Spirit living in you, they will show you the rest. Jesus, will soon be coming to snatch His church (those who believe) away from this evil world before the very end of the end times. Hallelujah!

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