Poland is NOT becoming a military superpower. But will it intervene in Ukraine?

1 year ago

“On the Barricades” s06e20

Last week, former British marine Richard Kemp wrote an article in the Telegraph stating that Poland is becoming a military superpower, and humiliated Germany by pressuring Germany to hand over its Leopard tanks to Ukraine. This is nonsense on its face, and reminiscent of 1939 when the British press once again declared Poland’s greatness and source of inspiration to Europe, before things went the opposite way and Poland was left to get destroyed in World War Two.

In this special release of “On the Barricades,” our host from Warsaw, Boyan Stanislavski, discusses some of these complete non-sensical, yet concerning statements in the media that exaggerate Polish military power and point in the direction of Polish intervention in Ukraine against Russia– which would be suicidal. Still, with a green light from the US, such a move would serve as a way for the ruling Law and Justice party to avoid the general elections that are supposed to be prepared for this year. Boyan also comments on the scandal of Polish former Foreign Minister Sikorski saying that he thinks some of the Polish government considered a partitioning of Ukraine in the early days of the Russian invasion.

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