Stock Market Profits Don't Matter Much, if We Have Hyperinflation and You Can't Buy Food

1 year ago

Real life historic stories of the nightmare of hyperinflation are shown in this video. Some of these real life events were as recent as 2011.

Hyperinflation can occur now - with our $31 trillion debt, especially if the U.S. loses its "world reserve currency" status, or we enter into a war with Russia. Our government and Federal Reserve are incompetent and do not know what they are doing

There are over 54 cases of different countries experiencing hyperinflation. Some recent cases are:

Zimbabwe hyperinflation: 2008 to 2011 - Azerbaijan hyperinflation: 2009 - Republic of Congo: 1998 - Bulgaria: 1997 - Herzegovina hyperinflation: 1996 - Turkmenistan: 1995 - Ukraine: 1994 - Kazakhstan: 1993 - Bosnia/Yugoslavia hyperinflation: 1992 - Nicaragua: 1991 Peru: 1990

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