Beware. (Most) SEO is a SCAM.

1 year ago

(Most) SEO is a SCAM.

Get out your pitchforks and torches. Before you start shouting that it isn't and gathering in the town square, let's talk about why MOST SEO is a scam, and what you can do to avoid the (potentially expensive) pitfalls of a bad SEO experience.

0:33 1. The services provided have no benefit.

2:30 2. The reports only show impressions, or low-importance metrics designed to confuse the viewer.

3:27 3. They offer SEO or Marketing "packages" ($99-$499 per month).

5:10 4. They lock you into 12 month or annual contracts.

7:35 5. They own the resources they create, such as your site, your content, etc.

9:15 6. They guarantee results.

11:25 7. They use AdWords to cover up a lack of organic ranking or search performance.

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