mRNA Is Not Going Away: Moderna CEO Has Permanent Global Plans – Tracy Beanz

2 years ago

Tracy Beanz breaks down MODeRNA’s plan for mRNA
Stéphane Bancel and Moderna currently have a whopping 48 products in their pipeline for ailments like the FLU and RSV.
Tracy's Article:
At the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2023 meeting in Davos, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel declared he would “like to have mRNA capacity on every continent.” His remark at the annual gathering of global elites should come as no surprise. After all, the pharmaceutical giant has been developing mRNA gene-editing technology for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for over a decade. Still, to test things out on a large scale, the duo lacked “the need and the opportunity.” Two years ago, in an extraordinary windfall for Moderna (and Pfizer), the COVID-19 pandemic provided the perfect fast-tracked opportunity to introduce novel mRNA technology to the masses. Without question, introducing mRNA protein encoding around the planet has driven the strategic plans of both DARPA—a covert agency of the U.S. Department of Defense—and Moderna for over twelve years.

Still, for those not familiar with or currently regulated by the Pfizer-controlled mainstream news, awareness of the backstory is essential to ensure the planet’s future. Reminders of the narrative at play are necessary; thus, a brief rundown of how we got here seems in order.

Years before the COVID-19 pandemic, DARPA, along with its ADEPT: PROTECT program and its $96 million Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3), has been on a secret mission to find a way to develop an antibody for any virus in the world within sixty days of receiving the blood sample from a survivor. Under the guise of “national security,” DARPA’s vision for rapid development of mRNA treatments is shared by its partner Moderna and its CEO Bancel.

On September 12, 2019, in an interesting and timely affirmation of its efforts, Moderna announced—with DARPA’s support—it had reached a “significant scientific breakthrough” in mRNA protein-making technology formulated within its proprietary LNP delivery system. The breakthrough came precisely three months before a cluster of patients in China “began to experience symptoms of an atypical pneumonia-type illness that does not respond well to standard treatments,” and one month before the pandemic practice drill called Event 201, sponsored by the WEF, Johns Hopkins, and Bill Gates. Conveying its positive study results and “validating” DARPA’s “nucleic-acid-based technologies for infectious disease,” Moderna’s announcement stated: “These Phase 1 data represent a significant scientific breakthrough: this study shows for the first time the ability to generate therapeutic levels of a complex protein in humans through systemic administration of an mRNA, essentially instructing the body to make its medicines.

These exciting data demonstrate a new way to address infectious diseases that uses mRNA to make antibodies in humans, establishing a powerful technology that could be deployable in a pandemic setting.”

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