The Capitol and Metro Police Attack Peaceful Protesters on January 6, 2021

2 years ago

January 6, 2021, a few hundred Capitol and Metro Police officers attacked thousands of peaceful protesters including women, men, boys and girls, the elderly, straight and gay, and even attacked the handicapped who came to protest. The Capitol and Metro Police are corrupt and evil, and proved it that day for all to see.

The police beat us, they bombed us, they shot us, and they even killed several of us. But we never gave them what they wanted, because we aren’t like them. We didn’t go for a war, we went to protest, or the numbers would have been very different that day.

The protestors are by far much better people, simply better Americans. We could have easily destroyed all of the police if we had wanted, but that’s not what we went there to do.

We are the real heroes from January 6th, and we are claiming our rightful place in history.

David Sumrall

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