Scientism is a Cult

2 years ago

#science #culture #economy

Scientism is the unwarranted belief in science as the answer to all problems. There is a difference between the physical sciences and the social sciences. The physical sciences are decided—not a final decision—by causality. The social sciences are conscious human beings acting. Saint-Simon, Comte, Marx, Engels, and statists up to modern day mask their totalitarian plans in what Mises referred to as The Cult of Science.

There’s not one statist ideology, there’s many. The statists will praise the ideology, so long as it is theirs, and requires all to submit to it. The statist worships their ideology and is intolerant of all other ideologies. It requires complete subjection to succeed. Failure to submit results in destruction, just look at the many “camps” that people have been sent to, e.g., concentration camps, gulags, etc.

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