Fresh Oil & Homeless Ministry

1 year ago

Fresh Oil

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Since last week at youth hub, I have been pondering the message Bryce brought to our young people.

Every map has a datum – a fixed or specific point that is used as a reference to know precisely where you are, and where you are going.
Datums tell us where to measure from.

Without that datum, you can believe all you want that you are going in the right direction, but without that exact point of reference, a datum, you will go off course.

Pro.14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.”

We are living in a pluralistic post church age.
Pluralistic = a system where two or more sources of authority coexist.
Post Church = the church is no longer the source of what people believe to be a place of truth.

I feel the main doctrine people hold to today is relativism = truth and morality is relative to each individual and their point of reference.
Not only in the world but unfortunately in the church as well.

Text: Acts 10:38, Isaiah 10:27, Acts 3:19-20

The lame man was healed, and people began to discuss what the healing meant.
V.19 repent – metanoeo = change your thinking.
Today there is a major need for our society to repent – to change the way we think about truth.

The society in our text were a people steeped in the study of God – yet their truth was relative to their point of reference.

Today, people can be raised in the church, even know scripture, but until we know Jesus personally, it’s religion.

I want to look at the phrase “…so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

Refreshing = recovering of breath, to revive, or revival.
Today we need that revival to bring a fixed point of reference – Jesus Christ!

David said, “… I have been anointed with fresh oil.” Ps 92:10
Fresh Oil – not something from the past.

Isaiah 10:27
This verse says the anointing is a burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God. The anointing delivers God's people and sets the captives free.
It is God's super added to our natural.

The anointing is literally God on flesh doing what flesh can't do.

Throughout the Bible, oil represents the Holy Spirit.

Peter is just starting to preach Jesus to the Gentiles in the house of Cornelius.
Acts 10:38

What is the next event in this chapter, and in history? Ver.44

Why did God anoint Jesus with the Holy Spirit? Wasn’t being the Son of God enough? He was the Messiah, the chosen.

Anointing is a partnership with God working with Him to fulfill His heart.

The point I want us to take away from this message – We NEED the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit for our lives, and for the work God has for us.
We NEED that anointing to break every yoke of bondage.

That fresh oil – fresh anointing – sets Christians free, and the people around us that we have been called by God to minister to.

Going to church is not enough.

Memorizing scripture is not enough.

We need the Holy Spirit’s anointing just like Jesus did.

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