Prayer for your Home (Man's Voice), an invocation of blessing from God to protect all who live in it

2 years ago

Prayer for your home to be a place of refuge, safety, and security for those you love. Pray to God that your home will be a shining light of love and truth in the darkness. Pray for God to enter your home and for him to be the core of your lives of your family. Pray for protection from the devil, from evil spirits, from bad influences, to ask for peace, unity, and freedom from all anxieties. He will remove your heartache, in the right time, the proper way. Pray for comfort, healing, and salvation. Pray in supplication to request God's mercy and grace. This is a powerful invocation you can always depend on. God will not let down a sincere and prayerful heart. This is a prayer for protection, a prayer of comfort, prayer of healing, prayer for financial protection, prayer for kids, prayer for love, prayer for deliverance, and prayer for family.

Share this prayer with your siblings, relatives, friends and members of your family. . You can lean on this prayer every time. It can be one of your comforting Christian prayers in times of uncertainties. Pass this video along! God bless!

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KATHAKO Video Studio created The Prayerful Christian Channel: Faith, Hope, Charity, and Love to continue Christ's calls for prayer. We are featuring many influential and popular Christian prayers through the pages of history. We hope that our video guides and sounds reinforce our relationship with God.

Prayer is communicating with our Creator, a way of being in his presence. It is an excellent opportunity to learn about ourselves while relating to God's plan. By praying, we are opening our hearts, minds, and souls to God as we change for the better, grow, change, give, and love. Through prayers, we will improve our health and attitude in life. A positive attitude follows, resulting in strength during challenging and difficult times. God bless us all!

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