Dumpster Fire 106 - Lamest Doomsday Ever (Live)

2 years ago

Is possession of classified documents the new cool trend in government? What would make the Doomsday clock more impressive and scary? Is the Green M&M going to start an Only Fans? Will Bridget's red coral impression save it from dying?

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00:00 - Introduction
1:35 - Olds-In-Charge
5:06 - Rich Get Richer
8:48 - Phetasy Merch
9:28 - Infolds Wars with Sammy Flaps n' Folds
11:20 - Proof Dumpster Fire Is Writing The Simulation
15:35 - Weather
16:17 - We're All Gonna Die
20:04 - Ha Ha Hot Sauce
21:02 - Dumpster Diving/Breaking Bridget
29:14 - The Internet Is Glorious
29:55 - Last Episode's Comments
30:41 - Phetasy News
34:05 - Credits


Get the best hot sauce out there and support comic & Dumpster Fire writer, Dave Yates!
HA HA Hot Sauce - http://hahahotsauce.com/

PHETASY IS a movement disguised as a company.
We just want to make you laugh while the world burns.

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Podcast - Walk-Ins Welcome with Bridget Phetasy

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