Look out, are you taking care of your health? @tarottothetruth

1 year ago

akashic energy reading for 1/29 first quarter moon to full moon

The akashic records give us the a warning about your health, re-assess your practices and be sure to take care of your health and stress levels. Either your health or our surroundings are under stress and you must keep yourself on your healthy journey. if you are off your journey, reassess and began again.
Find balance, The records give you the archangel Michael to cut toxic cords of connection with relationships that no longer serve you or blocks in your aura.

The 7 of keys is ready for you to ascend to success and the queen gives rise for you to see what benefits you have already attained.

Stay focused on your plans and journey to attain the balance of the forces of the yin and yang or masculine and feminine energies @tarottothetruth.

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