Navigating and bringing positive changes to the Earth Game with Winnie McGuien

1 year ago

Winnie McCuien studies the in-between spaces underneath our day to day experiences and shares them on her social media page. NPCs are there to be pushing us to stay in our scripts and engage us with the interface. The matrix influences our moods and frequencies constantly. Winnie shares her journey of awakening, becoming aware of self destructive and implanted thoughts and which thoughts to listen to and which ones not to, that some thoughts are not our real thougths.

How does it make me feel ? is a rhethoric question we can keep on asking ourselves in every now moment and situation. Recognizing situations when others are trying to make you feel very small or when they overpower you with their big energetic personalities. Are they beneficial in our experiences here or are they stripping us away from our powers? "Family is the biggest trap ever" Winnie shares, as her journey to recognize and integrate people pleasing fragments and programmed aspects that are not the core self. Do we have to downgrade our frequencies to be in touch? We have closed the door to certain beings who were in our lives for certain reasons. Sometimes we forget about them but frequency signature reading will reassure us. Do we feel we have to be polite or how do small talk make us feel? We are working on deprogramming being so hard on ourselves. Winnie reflects about when is it time to move away from some online content?

In a day there are fondamentals that are good for us to apply such as moving the body and keeping healthy away from addictive substances. Our knowledge helps us to validate ourselves even if tuning to how to react to the spiritless is a work in progress. This journey is also about self mastery to resist temptations, AI pulls and frequency hijacks. Recognizing internalized negative self-talk is key or what around us is encouraging our lower 3D selves and low frequency behaviors. The false idea that rising in frequency would come with no struggle is widespread and ties to the new age.

Here is a link to a video of Winnie on Politeness Programming

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