Just called 911 for possible person trapped in car underwater.

2 years ago

We just Hydroplaned and spotted a car in the water. I called 911 and we turned back around to make sure help was there. Police were already there! Super thankful for the fast response of our Emergency Response team. More emergency response vehicles were rushing as soon as I stopped filming. 911 Operator thanked me and said they had recieved no prior calls about it. That disturbed me a little. Maybe it just happened?
Sending Prayers, that Occupants are ok!
I wish I would have seen it quicker, I would have tried to rescue them!
My six year old daughters first real taste of a possibly deadly, troublesome accident, she was pretty shaken up, we all were. Stay safe, look out for others. Love one another as your own.
#Houston #Tomball #Texas #theturboworld #rain #flood #hydroplaned #ditch

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