Which YEAR is the END OF THE WORLD as we know it based on the BIBLE #endoftheworld #jesusreturns

1 year ago

Yeshua says no one knows the hour and the day but He didn't say no one will know the year.

This cover the Biblical Timeline of when Yeshua is returning, 6000 years from the creation of Adam and Eve. Yeshua will reign for 1000 years, the earth's Sabbath.

In order to keep it within 10 minutes, scripture provided in the notes - best to watch it in HD for clarity (and maybe at 0.75 speed :)) and look up the references.

Correction from 2047 to 2046 for the rapture, as King Cyrus command to rebuild Jerusalem was after the 70th year, most likely 71st year.

Daniel's 70 weeks is a large component of the timeline. Therefore additional perspective on Daniel 70 week prophecy in Daniel 9.

DANIEL PROPHECY OF 70 WEEKS - This 7year time period is described by Daniel in his 70week prophecy as the final week and is known as “the war desolations” (Dan. 9:26). The 70week prophecy of Daniel (Dan. 9:24) represents one year for each day therefore 70 weeks is 490 years (70 weeks x 7days/week = 490 days therefore 490 years). All prophecy has a time-period to enable God’s people to discern the times (Matt. 16:3). The “command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem” by God to Cyrus, starts the timer of Daniel’s prophecy – 453 BC (Dan. 9:25; Ezra 1:1-2).

After the destruction of the first temple, Jeremiah prophesized that after 70 years God would cause them to return to Jerusalem (Jer. 29:10). Therefore, the start of the 70 weeks, or 490years, was the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem (Dan. 9:25). This was not the actual building but the command to build it. This decree came from Cyrus King of Persia saying that God of Israel had ordered him to build the Temple in Jerusalem (Ezra 1:1-2). Thus 483 years back from when the Messiah was cut off in 31 AD would mean, God gave this command to Cyrus in 453 BC (Ezra 1:1-2). But this is many years out from the Historical timeline of reign of Cyrus found in history books. Archeology dating has been wrong about many things, including the exodus of Israel. Let us use the Bible to define the timeline and not lean on secular dating methods. Also historical books ignore King Darius the Mede (Dan. 5:31) reigned first then King Cyrus (Dan 6:31).

One could argue that the command to rebuild the City of Jerusalem (Dan. 9:25) not that same as the command given to Cyrus to build the Second Temple (Ezra 1:1-4; 2 Chr 36:23; Ezra 3:7-8). But Isaiah 44:28 is clear that Cyrus was to build both the Temple and Jerusalem, “That saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the temple, thy foundation shall be laid.” In addition, after the 70 years prophesized by Jeremiah would have been the 71st year (Jer. 29:10; Ezra 1:3-4). This is when the command of Cyrus would have enabled the Israelites to return to Jerusalem.

The Temple was only completed during King Darius the first of Persia (Ezra 4:5; Ezra 6:15). He was the successor to Cyrus. A side note, King Darius the Mede, in Daniel 5:31, is not the same as King Darius the first of Persia. After King Darius the first of Persia reigned, then it was King Artaxerxes of Persia (Ezra 6:14). At this time Zerubbabel was the assigned governor of Judah (Ezra 2:2), and Joshua or Yeshua (Ezra 2:36) was the High Priest (Hag 1:1). During their time, the walls and the streets of Jerusalem began to be repaired through the command of Artaxerxes (Neh. 2:8). They continued rebuilding until 404 BC (Ezra. 7:9-14; Neh. 3-6). From the start until this point it was 49 years, in other words, it was the end of Daniel’s 7th week.

During the next 434 years, which is Daniel’s 8th to 69th week, they continued building Jerusalem, even during troubled times (Dan 9:25). Herod who was called Herod the Great, in the 62nd week, that is 20 BC, made significant renovations to the “Second Temple” and the surrounding area. Even after his death they continued working on the temple, and it was later finished about 46 years later in approximately AD 27 (John 2:20).

The rebuilding of Jerusalem never stopped. At the end of the 69th Week, which was AD 31, the Messiah was cut off (Dan 9:26). Yeshua the Messiah, was crucified and resurrected, the veil in the temple was torn in two (Matt 27:51). Then there was a pause in the timeline and 1 week of Daniel’s prophecy remains.

During the pause in the timeline, the city that was built, and the temple, was destroyed. This happened in AD 70, because many Israelites rejected Yeshua their Messiah (Dan 9:26; Hos 9:7). Jerusalem was trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (Luke 21:24). Only in 1948, Israel was established as a state. Therefore the time is close for the restart of Daniel’s 70th week.

These last 7 years, which is still to come, is known as the war desolations, in Daniel 9:26 (Dan 9:24; Dan 9:26-27; Acts 1:7; Mark 13:32). Then at the end of the 7 years, Yeshua establishes His reign on earth. (Rev 19:15; Dan 9:24). Get ready, Yeshua is coming back soon!

For commentary on the Book of Revelation: https://heavenscatalyst.org/truth/revelation-commentary/

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