Jan 29 2023: Why Church? Why We Preach.

1 year ago

Why Church: Why Preach?
Pastor Matt Haflett
2 Timothy 3-4

1. Why The Bible?
• The Bible is accepted in faith.
• When you read in faith, you get more faith. (Romans 10:17, Hebrews 4:12)
• The Bible is the infallible Word of God. It reaches into the deepest parts of us.
• The Word of God is accepted by faith, instills faith, and has the power to change.
2. Every Week?
• Because We Need It!
• We are called to walk in a way that please God, faced with temptations, frustrations, distractions, ridicule, and hate.
• God’s Word gives us the ability to walk this “narrow path”. (2 Tim 4:1-4)
• The Word gives us, encouragement, correction, and refueling.
3. The Bible Guides and Disciplines Us.
• It’s not just a “feel-good, self-help book”.
• Correction and encouragement come together. (Proverbs 3:1-12)
• The Bible is the living, breathing Word of God. It strengthens our faith, it guides us, and it encourages us through correction.

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