1 year ago

In the previous discussion with @AnthonyNayagan;

We discussed -- God wants us to know Him

• Questioning the teachings of any religion, or the mysteries in the Scriptures is not Wrong.
• That forms the basis of Seeking
• Questioning is not Satanic Influence or Sin against the Holy Spirit
• Questions are are the gateways to all knowing and the Wisdom of God
• It is when the Holy Spirit teaches us “EVERYTHING”
• Scriptures are riddled with inconsistencies and things that do not make sense.
• Questioning them is not “non-belief” – it is a special invitation by God to enter into His mysteries. Because, unless the Will of God that is known as Sangalp in Sanskrit is present, we will not even be inspired to identify questionable elements in the scriptures.

In seeking Wisdom, I said;
• Raise your questions
• Then go into contemplation and meditation
• Seek divine emotions such as joy, peace and love
• Don’t seek answers – if you are meant to get answers, God will somehow give you the answers.

Today we will talk about SEEKING THE TRUTH.

• What are we seeking?
• Why are we seeking?
• How do we seek?

• Because, Jesus says;
John 4.23
“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him.”
• Therefore, seeking the Truth is deeply relevant to spiritual seeking

This passage of Jesus

• Comes from Jesus in His conversation with the Samaritan Woman.
• Before saying this, Jesus says to the Samaritan woman;
• “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know.”
• In other words;
• Jesus disregards the relevance to temples, churches and organized religions for Spiritual Living
• But stresses, seeking the Truth is deeply relevant to spiritual seeking

Lets talk about;

• Seeking the Truth by way of questions.
TRUTH is not an ANSWER to Questions
• Answers always fall apart to one question – “is there more to it?”
• @DuringTrump Presidency, He kept on challenging the system.
• When we are looking for Truth by way of Answers to Questions, Truth remains evasive.
• @KellyanneConvey – @ChuckTodd interview: Alternative facts.
• What the democrats did not understand is; alternative facts always remain when we look for truth by way of answers to questions.
• Alternative Facts are not falsehood.
• We have not thought it through, deep enough! That’s what KellyAnn Convey was hinting at.

There is more

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#SpiritualAwakening #SpiritualLife #SupremeRealization #SpiritualCoach #SpiritualGrowth #GenWise #SupremeRealization #AnthonyNayagan #GenWise #DonaldTrump #ChuckTodd #kellyannconvey

@consciousness @mindfulness @mindfull @philosophy @TheBeastGeneration @MrBeast @TheMysticaLand @MysticsofIndia @TheIndianMystics
@Donald Trump @Chuck Todd @Kellyann Convey

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Is knowledge necessary for seeking? Fascinating discussion that even explains the basis of atheism and agnosticism.

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