Quran Burning In Sweden Triggers Jesuit-Illuminati UN

2 years ago

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A burning of the blasphemous idolatrous Islamic Quran in Sweden has caused no small stir over at the Illuminati/Jesuit-ran United Nations.

#UnitedNations #UN #Islam #Sweden #Islamism #Quran #Muhammad #Allah #FreeSpeech

Blog posts on Islam: https://faithfulservantsofchristkjv.wordpress.com/category/cults/islam/

Some useful videos against Islam:

Islamic Pagan Moon Idolatry: https://bit.ly/3us2VG8
Islamic Moon Idolatry Described In Scripture: https://bit.ly/36tKUPD
Islamic Pagan Middle Eastern Moon Deity Allah: https://bit.ly/3DddzUS
Islamic Occultism & Illuminati Symbolism: https://bit.ly/3851sOn
Islamic Pagan Occult Origins Of Allah: https://bit.ly/3tHYbNt
Islam Is A Ticket To Hell: https://bit.ly/3urLG7P
Muslim Kill Count Of 2020 & 2021: https://bit.ly/3tEjZcH
The "Islamophobia" Canard: https://bit.ly/3IFC6D9
"Islamophobia" Canard Used To Silence Legitimate Criticism Of Islam: https://bit.ly/3qCN9XU
Islamic Tyranny & The Backlash Against Islam: https://bit.ly/36u0VVK
Muslim Terrorism Against Christians And Left-Wing Media's Silence: https://bit.ly/3IM4nbk
The Evil That Islam Produces & The Results: https://bit.ly/3iBy18q
Rational Criticism Of Islam As A Political Ideology: https://bit.ly/3uyzuC4

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TAGS: Sweden, United Nations, UN, Quran Burning, Muslim Migrants, Migrants, Free Speech, Freedom Of Speech, Islam, Islamism, Islamic, Mohammed, Muhammad, Allah, Arabia, Middle East, Quran, Koran, Hadith, Quranism, Quranic, Sahih al-Bukhari, Kutub al-Sittah, Shahada, Jihad, Jihadism, Kabba, Mecca, Sharia, Sunni, Sunni Islam, Shia, Shia Islam, Muslim, Moslem, Islamic Religion, Islamic Faith, Muslim Religion, Moslem Religion,

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