the Blue Mass - Vatican Control of the Police Force

2 years ago

Tommy Richards
26 Feb 2008

About the the Founder of the knights of Columbus

Michael J. McGivney was trained by Jesuits in Canada at the Order's St. Mary's College in Montreal.

I just found this page that says McGivney desired to become a Jesuit.

-Brother Nick Rivera

For the coming Vatican inquisition in the United States the Knights of Columbus's Police force will play an instrumental role. The Blue Mass is the banner they organize under and gain strength in the Police officer's dedication to their K of C leaders.

The Knights of Columbus Is a Catholic Men's organization founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, in New Haven, Connecticut. Today, more than a century later, the Knights of Columbus has become the largest lay organization in the Catholic Church (Est. 1.6 Million Members).

Jack T. Chick tells us the following about the Knights of Columbus in his 1983 book Smokescreens: "The legions of Rome are awesome. More than one million practicing Catholics make up the ranks of the Knights of Columbus. They are fraternally pledged to the ideal of bringing America under papal rule. They are powerful, wealthy, [and] loyal."

Jack Chick asking Alberto Rivera a question:

"Then I said: Will the Knights of Columbus play a vital part in the attack against the Christians when the U.S. falls?"

Dr. Rivera said: "Oh, yes. In fact, in their oath, you can see how close their alliance is to the pope. They committed themselves to be killed or destroyed if they fail to comply with their oath. They ask the militia of the pope, the Jesuits, to put them to death. They are committed to make America Catholic."

(Read the rest Chapter Eleven: Blueprint For Catholic America)

The Knights of Columbus are more dedicated and powerful than many people realize. Jeb Bush is a knight of Columbus as is Associate Justice for the Supreme Court Samual Alito, Theodore McCarrick, Archbishop of Washington, DC who performed the liturgy during the infamous Red Mass and William Joseph Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. (Formerly The Office of Inquisition)

Recently, I did a search on the Catholic Church in the area where I grew up and saw that they had a newly formed K of C. I then did a simple search on the Grand Knight and it rendered suprising results. It turned out that he was a very high up officer in THE Federal Reserve Bank in NYC.

So the Catholic Church/Vatican have proven themselves to be the entity behind fascism. And the K of C are considered the right arm of the Catholic Church in America. Therefore the K of C is the right arm of fascism in America and we can see this by the actions of the police force. Below are two very recent videos showing what I mean. And this is just the beginning unfortunately.

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