1 year ago

Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children

Dr. Paul Thomas Hires Outside Firm to Track Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Kids

2,7000 variably Vaccinated and 560 not Vaccinated. Then they were Age Matched and Compared.

Here are the Findings:
1. Asthma and Allergies Significantly increased in the Vaccinated. Off the Chart difference.

2. Eczema significantly was higher.

3. Sinusitis was significantly higher.

4. Gastroenteritis was significantly higher.

5. Respiratory Infections significantly higher.

6. Otitis Media - Middle Ear Infection was significantly higher.

7. Conjunctivitis - Eye Infections significantly higher.

8. Breathing issues significantly higher.

9. Behavioral issues significantly higher.

10. ADHD -- NONE in the Unvaccinated at all for 10 years in Dr. Thomas' practice. As you see on the chart it is incredibly high which shows that there is something in these vaccines (Toxic Heavy Metals) that is causing ADHD.

The results were not even remotely close in comparison. It is a total knockout. If you listened to the TV Media you would think that results would be just the opposite of these findings.

There is a reason in 100 years of Vaccinating Children there has NEVER been retrospective studies.


They would 100% PROVE without Shadow of a Doubt that not only do Vaccines NOT prevent infections and transmission but they are severely harming children – especially for Allergies, Middle Ear Infections, Autism, Breathing issues, Sinusitis, Respiratory Infections, Eye Infections, Gastroenteritis, Eczema and Behavioral issues.

IF Va-xcines PREVENT Infections then why are infections Significantly Higher in all of Dr. Thomas' vaccinated children?

These are serious life changing chronic conditions.

Vax-cines shift the immune system to Allergy and Autoimmunity, and you have more and more infections of other kinds.

In short, what does this mean??

It means that Vaxcines DESTROY a Child’s Immune System, every vax is different with different live viruses and toxins and they will really hit a children with weaker immune systems first.

Wonder why your child seems to never fully recover from an illness and seems to catch every new bug?

We always hear Association does not mean Causation. Your particular story is rare and shouldn't be counted.

It is NOT a coincidence if we have MULTIPLE other studies with a clear Mechanism of Action -- Heavy Metals - mainly Aluminum and Mercury (Thimerosal).

It is beyond CRAZY for parents to consent to all of these vaccinations to children. It is a set up for developing Chronic Disabling Health Conditions.

Even with all the junk they place in our food other studies clearly confirm these findings, there is a clear distinguishable difference between the two groups.

30 TIMES MORE ALLERGIES in the Vaccinated Groups in other studies also. Who wants allergies?

No Worries though, just trust their doctor, after all they get their information from "Reliable Sources", the CDC, WHO, FDA, Big Pharma and they get their sources from "Science".
Wink, Wink.

Wake up, it’s called PAID for Science. Follow the funding, the people involved and the study designs.

Don’t you think that Pfizer would do a true Placebo study for their Covid Vax?

Did they? NO. As soon as it was completely OBVIOUS the vaxs were not working, what did they do??

They jabbed the placebo group so this comparison could NEVER, EVER be made.

What about Dr. Thomas who did what EVERY Doctor should do?

The Oregon Medical Board has Suspended the License of Dr. Paul Thomas alleging he failed to adequately vacx-inate patients.

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