Climate Change Is The Next FAKE Public Health Crisis: Part 4

1 year ago

I'm getting annoyed because for some reason my thumbnail didn't download and I can't change it. The WEF is only discussed briefly, I just want people to know that the world economic forum is NOT what this video is all about.

Make sure you watch part 1 (and the others) FIRST, otherwise you're missing hours of information! Here is the link to part 1:

In this video, we get into the "who is doing this?" question. You can consider all of what I'll discuss speculation. Also, I cannot ever be comprehensive, but I'll mention and explain what I CAN. Over the weeks as I've been posting parts to this video series, I'm like half-twitching because I keep seeing MORE and MORE information that just adds soooooo much to what I'm trying to say with corruption, business, government, pharmakiea, family-lines, etc. that I've been discussing in this video series! So definitely further your knowledge about what I'm introducing to you. Consider checking out the people out who I specifically mention too!

Here is a list of some names of people who I mention in this video series that you can study and refer to like Ken Rohla, Sharon Daphna, Cameron Day, Amazing Polly, Really Graceful, and Morgue Official. Not that I am giving a comprehensive list of people with great content who are exposing this *shit* that we're chatting about in this video series. But these are a few that I want to recommend (who I am aware of) that I feel are especially relevant to my video series.

By the way... I hope everyone is enjoying the New Year! I think a nice resolution would be to start using our money as power and boycotting businesses that are run by the parasites who are weakening our bodies and our freedom!!!!!! If you watch the whole series you'll spot LOTS of people/businesses that *we* (humanity) may want to consider if we would like to continue supporting theses businesses, or not!?

Oh AND part of our resolution should be supporting the people/businesses who are working for GOOD (God).... ;)

If you'd like to tip your witch, here's my link to support my work:

If you'd like to work 1:1 with me on your health goals, here's where you can find me:

Where to find orgone... I barely mention orgone in this video part (I did in earlier ones) BUT it's necessary for health and fucking up the EMF-creatures that we discuss... so here's a few links to some good ones! (a lovely holiday gift BTW! Or anytime gift):

Here's my Etsy shop if you'd like to browse my very own, hand-made, super beautiful orgone pendants & domes:

I probably won't be making/selling orgone forever (as I discuss in part 2... get 'em now witches & warlocks! ) so here are Ken/Sharon's sites too! I introduced Ken/Sharon in part 2! ;)

Here is Ken's site for his orgone/scalar devices & various health products:

Here is Sharon & Gabriel for their orgone devices & blog:

Here are a couple links to Amazing Polly's videos just to make it easier for you. MANY of her videos are relevant to the "who is doing this?" question. I would post tons of hers that are relevant but here is ONE video of hers and it's perfect because it's about climate change. Here she is, if you'd like to check out Polly:

You have to check out lots of their videos not just one! Just like mine ;) The rabbit hole is deep! Polly did a lot about the medical mafia if you scroll through the past few years especially during the PLANdemic.

Here is that "Morgue Official" guy and his video "The Garden Of Eden Is A Trap":

Here is Cameron Day, who we discuss in this video:

Here is one of MANY awesome videos from Really Graceful, she too is ESPECIALLY RELEVANT to the "who is doing this?" question.

Here is the "Great Britain's Horrifying Role In Slavery" video that I discussed regarding slavery, the gold dome, and the enslaver-spawns that disgusted me. The gold dome appears within the first 10 minutes of the documentary if I remember correctly... If you'd like to check that video out, here it is:

Last but not least, here's the link to my friend Chris (he sent me the architecture pics) even though his most recent video says he isn't posting about corruption stuff anymore but some of you might want to check out him out. You never know if Chris will decide to post again, so here he is:

***OKAY*** This is the LAST additional video that I'll share here, I swear! I want to and could share TONS but obviously I gotta cut myself off at some point! LOL Just watch this guys video too, it's pretty good actually and really does pertain to this video series. One thing I noticed after I watched was *shit* maybe Bill shouldn't fund plumbing as in sewers like I said in my rant about fake-philanthropy, but he could do something better than a few crappy outhouses and injecting people with pathogens and contaminants. Oh and bio-sludge = NO until and unless everyone is organic. I DON'T want food fertilized with the low-qual pharmakiea tainted excrements of mask holes. LMAO Yeah check this video and you'll see the suspects... government, pharmakiea, businesses, etc. all working together like parasites and like he says... to KEEP POWER. Knowing about energy harvesting, I wonder if the architecture of the sewers also is doing something? You know how that black magic star in movies is written on the ground sometimes? Maybe they could use super-conductive ORMUS element containing materials in the architecture and design of the sewers and it could have an energetic effect on the surrounding area too? Maybe it's not JUST about the physical layout making it easier for the soldiers to handle "people". Just putting it out there. Here's that link:

Ready for part 5?!:

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