In Igne Revelabitur †🕊†

1 year ago

**Warning, graphic content**

And This IS The Judgment: because The Light IS Come Into the world, and men loved darkness rather than The Light: for their works were evil. For every one that doth evil hateth The Light, and cometh Not to The Light, that his works may not be Reproved. But he that doth Truth, cometh to The Light, that his Works may be made Manifest, because they are Done In God. 
~ St. John 3:19-21

Lord Jesus Christ, Sole Begotten Son of God, Have Mercy on me, a sinner and Having Known Thy Mercy, Grant me the Grace to be Merciful unto others; especially those who grieve me the most and those disfigured by sin who Need Thee the Most. Who Liveth and Reigneth With God Our Father: Thine by Nature and ours by Grace; In Unity With The Holy Ghost, God, for ages unto ages. Amen.

For other Foundation no man can lay, but that which is laid; which IS Christ Jesus. Now if any man build upon this Foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble: Every man's work shall be Manifest; for the Day of The Lord shall Declare it, because it shall be Revealed In Fire; and The Fire shall try every man's work, of what sort it is. ~ 1st Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians 3:11-13.

Movie credit:
Shot Caller

Music credits:
Wardruna: 'Heimta Thurs,' Runaljod.

Russian Medieval Chant, Deisus: 'So that The Mystery might be Revealed,' Sergey Krivobokov.

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