What Marxism Is Missing

2 years ago

The globe is in crisis. Economic, political, and environmental. To solve these crises the left has to stop just looking through a Marxist lens. Karl Marx was primarily concerned with solving the inequalities of capitalism and focused solely through an economic lens. The crisis we're in right now can't be solved strictly through an economic focus.

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Image Credit, John Jabez Edwin Mayall, colored by Olga Shirnina
Image has been cropped and color has been altered.

I think we're in a very rare moment historically of a severe crisis. The sort of Crisis that historians would call a general crisis. Meaning it's not confined to one sector. It's not only an economic crisis. Or only an ecological crisis. Or only a political crisis. but it's all of that rolled into one. so it's a crisis that is engulfing the whole social order. Now I think that what lies at the bottom of this crisis are some deep irrationalities that are hardwired into our social structure which is a capitalist social structure. But familiar views of capitalism focus one-sidedly on its economic dimension. And they would generally direct our attention to looking at the economic aspect of the crisis. you're talking about a Marxist critique. Exactly Marxist or Social Democratic. you know left-wing theories derived from Marx and so in softer or harder forms let's say. The problem is that those theories have tended to be two economy-focused. They haven't been expanded to take in other crisis Tendencies. Other contradictory and perverse aspects of capitalism. Those which lead periodically to ecological crises, social crises, and to political crises. So what my book does is try to develop a different and larger view of what capitalism is that shows how it is primed and hardwired to generate not just periodic economic crises but General crises of the sort we're facing now which also include these other dimensions.

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