Reasons To vote Labour if your left wing middle class 5: Making it expensive for the poor to drive

2 years ago

Reasons To vote Labour if your left wing middle class 5: Labour are making it too expensive for the poor to drive

In the 1980’s Norman Tebbit talked about people getting on a bike to look for work.

Today Labour is doing a wonderful thing for us left wing middle class people. The roads are full of working class people making it hard for us to drive out nice 4x4’s. So Labour are getting these people off the road for us.

Labour councils have lots of traffic wardens to give people expensive tickets. Making pie people much poorer. So with luck they cannot afford to pay and they end up having the car taken from them. Labour councils plant speed cameras all over so they can get as many drivers as they can for huge fines and points. These fines make sure the poor suffer and get them off the roads. Now even better these Labour areas are charging people to drive in. This means the poor cannot afford to drive into cities. This leaves the roads clear for us nice left wing middle class people to drive on.

So get on your bikes you working class people. That is the aim of Labour.

This is why I will be voting Labour so I can drive where I want without having to drive with horrible working class people spoiling the roads.

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