3 Pillars To Fix Back Pain For Good | BISPodcast Ep 28

1 year ago

🎙️ 3 Pillars To Fix Back Pain For Good

So how does this all play into getting your back fixed, and fixed for good? Well, today we thought it prudent to propose 3 “pillars” that will ensure that your back recovers, for the long term, but not just your back, your whole body. Because let’s face it, there is a limited understanding, only in the last week a member had been advised post low back injection, by their surgeon to “just walk as much as you can” as the core of their expert rehab.

If this lazy approach is being espoused by people (experts) within the healthcare system, is it any wonder that the lay person is at a loss and makes mistakes when it comes to looking after their back...

🗞️Issue 28 - 3 Pillars To Fix Back Pain For Good
👉 https://backinshapeprogram.com/2023/01/how-to-fix-back-pain-for-good-with-these-3-pillars/

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