The Next Level 2022 Flat Earth Documentary By Hibbeler Productions (Mirror)

1 year ago

This video was created by Hibbeler Productions, PLEASE go and watch the video on their site, like and subscribe and SHARE! A lot of effort went into producing this video! Go kick in $5 and watch it at to support their hard work! Or head to Hibbeler Productions Home and download the video by going to

These creators put a lot of time and effort into creating these quality videos! Show them that you appreciate it by kicking in $5 ! I mean, I believe that they earned it!

Then go and subscribe to all of the folks you see in the video, JToladMedia1 and DITRH and ODD TV on YouTube. And there's a list compiled at the end of the video for you! Please subscribe to them all!

SUPPORT what these guys and gals are doing to WAKE UP THE WORLD by sharing their content and subscribing to their channels and liking their content!

ALL that I'm interested in is showing you the TRUTH!

All that I can take credit for is sharing it and adding some clips to the end!
I want everyone to support the CREATOR of this video, NOT ME!
I do this purely to awaken folks!

Whereas the Creators put a lot of time and effort into this work!

There is also a lot more great content over at so check them out!

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