Eliza Bleu CAUGHT Stealing from Local Lodge & Charity! Receipts Provided! Chrissie Mayr & Faran

2 years ago

Oddly it seems like this grifting all began at the start of the pandemic. As Faran Balanced points out at that time the industries of music videos and filming all shut down. Odd timing for this new version of Eliza to begin. Is Bleu the con phase? We see in this video from Micah Dank that Eliza Bleu aka Eliza Cuts aka Eliza Knows scammed a local Masonic lodge in Long Island New York out of $900 for an engagment that never happened! Micah shows the emails, payments, and receipts! The story just keeps getting deeper and deeper. Where does the rabbit hole end?

#ChrissieMayr #ElizaBleu #FaranBalanced

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Clip & End Screen created by Fealty
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