1 year ago

You can get a JESUS DID IT! link to COPY from the TOP of the Home page at the website. As a starter ... you can paste that link as a signature at the bottom of all your emails. If you want to see a VISUAL of it, just fire me off an email and I'll give you a quick reply and a visual of what I'm talking about. My email address is: (Your email will immediately get deleted once I send you a reply and you have my assurance it will not be saved in my contacts, nor placed on any email list nor sold -- Norm)

Jesus tells us to lay upwards in heaven for ourselves in Matthew 6:19-21. "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also."

How do we DO that? By helping people GET there. How do we HELP people get there? By lovingly reminding people that a Judgment Day is coming for EVERY person. People can refuse to believe that ... but NO ONE can prove a Judgment Day is not coming for them. The Bible says none other than the Lord Jesus Christ will BE that judge. The One who died for each of us, so we could have eternal life. God the Father has decreed it. It will be that moment in time when we EACH will see Jesus as the RISEN Savior -- not the beaten and bleeding and marred person who paid the penalty for sins on the cross that day so we could be FORGIVEN of them and they would NOT be held against us on that Day.

The "JESUS DID IT!" Best News Gospel flyer reminds people of that sobering Truth. It clearly lets them know that we ALL need forgiveness for our wrongdoing, receive cleansing, and it's FREELY available if we'll just grab hold of it with sincere appreciation before we die. And BECAUSE you and I helped others realize that their is eternal forgiveness for their sins against God and others, so that on their Judgment Day there won't be pain and regret; Jesus promises we'll somehow get rewarded for our doing so.

Here's a sobering reminder: Satan can't stop you from going to heaven ... but he surely CAN stop you from laying up for yourself treasures in heaven by getting you so concerned about pain in your life that you give up CARING about whether lost souls end up spending eternity in hell - paying for their sins that COULD have been forgiven but by then it will be too late. Dear friend ... we all experience pain and discouragement to one degree or another in this life. That is NORMAL Christianity. Yet don't let Satan rob you of the eternal rewards you COULD have. Don't do that to yourself.

"Well, brother Norm, I don't think we should serve the Lord for rewards. That is a selfish motive." REALLY? EVEN WHEN JESUS TELLS YOU TO DO SO, AS HE HAS?

Remember: When we endeavor to help reach lost souls, we are REALLY doing it for God anyway. Lost souls are HIS eternal rewards ... and are we not to be trying to please HIM every way we can?

Thus - be wisely encouraged to click on this link to EASILY Copy and Paste "Jesus Did It!" everywhere across the Internet: --

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